Our Approach

Light bulb with green scene insideAt Statkraft Ireland we believe that a better, cleaner and more sustainable world is possible to achieve and that by working together, we can avoid the worst impacts of climate change. A just transition to a low carbon society for the betterment of all can be achieved and we believe that it is not only possible to maintain the quality of life that we enjoy today, but to enhance it.

We believe that it is within the gift of our generation to create an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable future for ourselves, our children and their children to enjoy.

Early engagement with local communities

We aim to provide information to communities at an early stage in the development process and building on feedback that we receive, we aim to bring forward proposals that are suitable and appropriate in the context of the local area.

Discussion with the local community is based on a working design layout of the proposed project and as such all details regarding the project may not be available. This, in fact, is the point of talking to people at an early stage – To allow the opportunity for feedback to influence the detailed design of the project as it develops. We also endeavour to learn lessons from previous proposals that we have brought forward in other areas in order to achieve the best possible design proposal for each area being considered.



The value of this feedback from the local community is that it informs the design process and can ultimately influence the form that the project will take.

Whilst we welcome feedback on all aspects of our proposals, some examples of areas that people might consider include:

  • The design layout as it stands during the design process.
  • Alterations to the design layout which would improve the overall proposal.
  • Ways in which the project may bring real benefits to the local area.
  • Queries or concerns that people may have on any aspect of the proposal.


Informed debate

We would like to encourage people to think about the challenges that we face and the possible solutions that might help us towards combating climate change and protecting our energy security. When researching wind energy (or any other renewable alternative) it is imperative to make sure that the information that you are basing your opinion on is from a genuine source.

The most reliable and trustworthy information available is that which has been checked and verified by not just one individual but by a group of experts. This is a defined process that all researchers utilise and is called “Peer reviewing”. We are happy to provide information and guidance towards sources of genuine peer-reviewed information should you request it.


Positive outcomes

Through positive engagement, we would hope that any proposal put forward to the planning authorities will reflect the general aspirations of the people living within the area.

The scientific facts tell us that, today, we hold the fate of our children and future generations in our hands. Science tells us that it is within our gift to either create a better future for those to come or to allow climate change to create a very different world for them. We believe that each opportunity to make a positive difference in combating climate change warrants full consideration, based on the facts and not hearsay or misinformation, from all those involved.

Any Questions, Please Contact Us